
Adjectives for Characterization

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  • Define: passionate
    leidenschaftlich: showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief
  • What is an antonym of the word AMBITIOUS (ehrgeizig)
    unambitious, unenterprising, unadventurous, undetermined
  • What is the antonym of the word SUPERFICIAL (uneinsichtig)
    serious, deep, profound
  • Make a sentence using the word COWARDLY (feige)
  • Make a sentence using the word SERVILE (unterwürfig)
  • What is an antonym for the word NAÏVE (naiv)
    experienced, seasoned, knowledgable, perceptive, perceptive
  • Define: Vivid
    lebhaft: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  • What is a synonym for the word NOBLE (edelmütig)
    dignified, distinguished, honorable
  • Make a sentence using the word BRAVE (mutig)
  • What is an antonym for the word WITTY (geistreich)
    serious, unamusing, unfunny
  • What is a synonym for the word VIRTUOUS (tugendhaft)
    honest, innocent, honorable, noble, principled, righteous, wholesome
  • What is an antonym for the words SIMPLE-MINDED, PLAIN (heisting, schlicht)
    ambiguous, concealed, unclear, vague
  • Define: Melancholy
    Melancholisch: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
  • What is an antonym for the word INTELLECTUAL (intellektuell)
    foolish, ignorant, simple, stupid
  • What is a synonym for the word DUTIFUL (pflichtbewusst)
    obedient, faithful, conscientious, compliant
  • Define: Boring
    Langweilig: not interesting; tedious.
  • What is a synonym for the word MENDACIOUS (verlogen)
    dishonest, fraudulent, deceptive, insincere
  • Make a sentence using the word INDEPENDENT (selbständig)
  • Make a sentence using the word HESITATING (zögerlich)
  • What is an antonym for the words CLEVER, WISE, LEARNED (klug)
    awkward, foolish, idiotic, ignorant, naive, senseless
  • What is an antonym of the word EXPERIENCED (erfahren)
    inexperienced, innocent, amateur, incapable
  • What is a synonym for the word FAITHFUL (true)
    loyal, reliable, devoted, dependable
  • Make a sentence using the word NERVOUS (nervös)
  • Make a sentence using the word SELF-CONFIDENT (selbstsicher)
  • Define: Jolly
    Vernügt: happy and cheerful.
  • Define: Lively
    Temperamentvoll: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
  • What is a synonym for the word SCRUPULOUS (gewissenhaft)
    conscientious, fussy, honest, meticulous, painstaking precise, rigorous, strict
  • What is a synonym for the word CAREFUL (sorgfältig)
    cautious, attentive, mindful, precise
  • What is an antonym of the word HUMOROUS (humorvoll)
    boring, serious, unfunny, unpleasant
  • What is a synonym for the word RESPONSIBLE (verantwortungsvoll)
    trustworthy, mature, accountable, in-charge
  • What is a synonym for the word STRAIGHTFORWARD (ehrlich)
    candid, forthright, genuine, sincere, truthful, unequivocal
  • Make a sentence using the word THOUGHTFUL (grüblerisch)
  • Define: Controlled
    Beherrscht: not showing emotion; having one's feelings under control.
  • Make a sentence using the word DEPENDENT (unselbstständig)
  • What is an antonym for the word ILLITERATE (ungebildet)
    educated, intelligent, able, learned, literate, taught
  • Define: Cheerful
    Heiter: noticeably happy and optimistic.
  • What is an antonym for the word IGNORANT (unwissend)
    educated, experienced, intelligent, learned, taught, aware
  • What is the antonym of the word MODEST (bescheiden)
    arrogant, conceited, bold, assured, egotistical
  • What is an antonym of the word SENSIBLE (verständig)
    ignorant, unrealistic, imbecile, stupid
  • Define: Happy
    Fröhlich: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  • What is a synonym of the word MORAL (moralisch)
    moralistic, noble, principled, proper, righteous
  • What is an antonym of the word CHARISMATIC (charismatisch)
    repellant, uncharismatic, revolting, repugnant, distasteful
  • What is an antonym of the word SHARP-MINDED (sharfsinnig)
    dull-minded, ignorant, gullible
  • What is an antonym for the word RATIONAL (überlegt)
    irrational, insane, illogical, senseless, foolish
  • What is a synonym for the word SLOPPY
    careless, clumsy, imperfect, mediocre
  • What is a synonym for the word GRATEFUL (dankbar)
    appreciative, thankful, indebted, pleased
  • Define: Irascible
    Jähzornig: having or showing a tendency to be easily angered.
  • Define: Balanced
    Ausgeglichen: keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions.
  • Define: Sober
    Besonnen: make or become more serious, sensible, and solemn.
  • What is an antonym for the word NARROW-MINDED (beschränkt, engstirnig)
    open-minded, tolerant, adventurous, unbiased
  • What is a synonym for the word NEGLECTFUL (pfichtvergessen)
    careless, failing, inattentive, negligent
  • What is an antonym of the word PRUDENT (einsichtig)
    careless, expensive, foolish, hasty, inattentive, incautious, indiscreet, nonsensical
  • What is an antonym of the word KNOWLEDGABLE (kenntnisreich)
    ignorant, inexperienced, unaware, uninformed, unintelligent, unknowledgeable
  • Make a sentence using the word REBELLIOUS (rebellisch)
  • Make a sentence using the word UNCONCERNED (unbekümmert)
  • Define: Bad-Tempered
    Missmutig: easily annoyed or made angry.
  • Define: Doleful
    Trübsinnig: expressing sorrow; mournful.
  • Define: Moody
    Launisch: (of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
  • What is an antonym for the word REASONABLE (vernünftig)
    unreasonable, biased, irrational, prejudiced, partial