
Isaac's Qs

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  • 305. Which two Old Testament books tell the history of the Jews after their return from captivity in Babylon
    Ezra and Nehemiah
  • 139 Which of David's sons tried to take the kingdom from him
  • 382 QQ According to First Thessalonians chapter 5 when should a Christian thank God
    1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus
  • 140 When did David say life begins
    In the womb
  • 350 James 4:17 contains what definition of sin
    Knowing to do good but not doing it is sin
  • 65 Whom did Pharaoh appoint to prepare for the famine
  • 6 In what language was most of the Old Testament written
  • 347 What is meant by original sin
    Because Adam & Eve chose to sin all people are born in sin & have the tendency to sin
  • 141 Whom did God tell David to choose to be king after his death
  • 191 During Jesus' temptation how long did He go without eating
    40 days & nights
  • 35 Who were the three sons of Noah
    Shem Ham Japheth
  • 251 QQ What did Paul tell the Philippian jailer to do in order to be saved
    Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved along with everyone in your household
  • 381 Why were the Christians at Berea honored
    Because they received the Word eagerly & studied the Scriptures every day
  • 189 Where did John the Baptist baptize Jesus
    In the Jordan River
  • 199 QQ What great statement did Peter make about Jesus
    Matthew 16:16 You are the Messiah the Son of the living God
  • 64 What did Joseph say was the meaning of the king's dream
    Seven good years would be followed by seven years of famine
  • 380 QQ What does James say we must do to keep from fooling ourselves
    James 1:22 But don' just listen to God's word You must do what it says Otherwise you are only fooling yourselves
  • 28 Who was the first murderer
  • 349 First John 3:4 contains what definition of sin
    Sin is breaking God's law & is contrary to the law of God
  • 31 What man walked with God until God took him to heaven without dying
  • 261 In the Christians armor what is the body armor
    God's righteousness
  • 95 Which of the Ten Commandments forbids wrong desires
    you must not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor
  • 29 How did sin enter the world
    Through the disobedience of Adam & Eve
  • 384 What did Paul tell Timothy was great wealth
    True godliness with contentment is great wealth
  • 259 Why should we wear all of the armor of God
    So that we can resist the attacks of the devil
  • 310 What do we mean when we say that God is omniscient
    God is all wise and all knowing
  • 5 How many books are in the Old Testament
  • 379 Why should a Christian keep pure in body & mind before & after marriage
    Because immoral behavior destroys the purity & happiness God intends marriage to have
  • 348 What were the duties of the Old Testament priest
    To intercede with God for the people & offer sacrifices to atone for their sins
  • 195 What strange gift did King Herod give to his stepdaughter
    the head of John the Baptist
  • 32 Who lived longer than any other person & how long did he live
    Methuselah 969
  • 190 How did God show His approval of Jesus at His baptism
    The Holy Spirit descended on Him & the Father said This is my dearly loved Son who brings me great joy
  • 137 Which son of Saul was David's best friend
  • 249 Who wrote the Book of Acts
  • 85 On what mountain did God give Moses the Ten Commandments
    Mount Sinai
  • 92 Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of human life
    you must not murder
  • 196 What revelation of himself did Jesus give to Peter James and John on a high mountain
    Jesus' appearance was transformed and he talked with Moses and Elijah
  • 198 What did Jesus prophesy would happen to the stones of the temple
    Not one stone would be left on top of another
  • 142 What did Solomon ask God to give him when he became king
  • 194 How did Jesus prove His power over nature
    By calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee
  • 312 What does the Bible declare is the foundation of wisdom
    Fear of God
  • 307 What do we mean when we say that God is eternal
    God has neither beginning nor ending but always has been & always will be
  • 346 When Adam & Eve sinned how did God provide them clothing
    He made them clothing from the skins of animals
  • 378 Why should be careful about what we think
    Because our thoughts determine who we are & what we say & do
  • 136 How long did David rule as king
    40 yrs
  • 144 What queen came from a long distance to visit Solomon
    the queen of Sheba
  • 138 Why did David show kindness to Mephibosheth
    Because Mephibosheth was Jonathan's son
  • 4 What does testament mean
    Covenant, contract, or agreement
  • 253 What did the people of Ephesus do with their books of witchcraft to show they had turned to God
    They burned them
  • 311 What part did God the Father have in creation
    God the Father gave the commands that caused the visible world to be created out of nothing
  • 203 In Jesus' parable who helped the man who had been beaten and robbed
    The Good Samaritan
  • 134 Who was the commander of Davids army
  • 90 What did Paul call the first commandment with promise
    Honor your father and mother
  • 145 What happened to the kingdom of Israel upon the death of Solomon
    It was divided into the kingdoms of Israel & Judah
  • 96 In which book and chapter of the Bible do we find the first record of the Ten Commandments
    Exodus chapter 20
  • 258 Why did Jesus die on the Cross
    He died for our sins
  • 143 What building did Solomon erect for God
    The temple of the Lord
  • 93 Which of the Ten Commandments protects our right to own possessions
    you must not steal
  • 135 Why did David refuse to kill King Saul
    Because God had chosen Saul to be king
  • 377 QQ Quote the verse which tells why it is necessary to live a peaceful & holy life
    Hebrews 12:14 Work at living in peace with everyone & work at living a holy life for those who are not holy will not see the Lord
  • 94 Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits lying
    you must not testify falsely against your neighbor
  • 34 Whom did God Spare from the Great Flood
    Noah and his family
  • 27 Who were the first two brothers
    Cain and Abel
  • 88 QQ Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits cursing & swearing
    Exodus 20:7 You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God
  • 30 The account of man's first sin mentioned what two trees
    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil The tree of life
  • 255 Does God treat all people alike
    Yes all people are equal before God
  • 345 How were people created in the image of God
    People were created with spiritual natures which permit them to reason make choices & to know & love God
  • 250 What was the occupation of Luke
  • 330 What is the meaning of the name Jesus
    The Lord is our Savior
  • 25 Who were the first man and first woman
    Adam & Eve
  • 200 Which three of the disciples were Jesus' closest friends
    Peter James John
  • 192 Who were the first four apostles Jesus called to follow Him
    Peter Andrew James John
  • 248 Who were Paul's chief helpers on his second missionary journey
    Silas and Timothy
  • 132 Whom did God choose to replace Saul as king of Israel
    He rejected God's command
  • 87 QQ Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits the worshiping of idols
    Exodus 20:4 You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind
  • 291 What do we mean when we say the Bible is infallible
    The Bible cannot fail and has no errors
  • 306 Who are the three Persons of the Trinity
    God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit
  • 256 Why did God give the Law
    To show us how sinful we are
  • 257 QQ What is the penalty of sin
    Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord
  • 202 Who did Jesus say was like the wise man who built his house upon the rock
    Those who hear His teachings and follow them
  • 201 Who did Jesus say was like the foolish man who built his house upon sand
    Those who hear His teachings but do not obey them
  • 91 Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of human life
    you must not murder
  • 252 Who were the tentmakers who assisted Paul at Corinth
    Aquila and Priscilla
  • 254 In Ephesians what command does Paul give to the children
    Children obey your parents
  • 260 In the Christians armor what is the belt
  • 376 QQ Is it necessary that a Christian love others
    1 John 4:7-8 Anyone who loves is a child of God & knows God But anyone who does not love does not know God for God is love
  • 351 QQ Have all people sinned
    Romans 3:23 For everyone has sinned we all fall short of God's glorious standard
  • 308 What do we mena when we say that God is omnipresent
    God is everywhere at the same time
  • 292 What do we mean when we say the Bible is our authoritative rule of faith and conduct
    The Bible has the right to command us in what we believe and what we do
  • 89 QQ Which of the Ten Commandments sets aside one day each week as special unto God
    Exodus 20:8 Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
  • 193 What do we call the first statements of the Sermon on the Mount which all begin with the words God blesses
    The Beatitudes
  • 383 According to Ecclesiastes 12:1 when should we begin to seek God
    In our youth
  • 133 What giant did David kill
  • 197 Why did the rich young leader fail to follow Jesus
    He loved the things he owned more than he loved Jesus
  • 26 How are people different from animals
    God created people in His own image
  • 344 How did God create woman
    God made woman out of one of the ribs of Adam
  • 33 Why did God send a flood upon the earth
    Because people were so wicked & they thought about evil all the time
  • 36 When the Flood came how long did it rain
    40 days and nights
  • 66 What are the names of the two sons of Joseph
    Ephraim and Manasseh
  • 86 QQ Which is the first of the Ten Commandments
    Exodus 20:3 You must not have any other god but me
  • 309 What do we mean when we say that God is omnipotent
    God is all powerful
  • 331 What is the meaning of the word Christ
    The Anointed One of God
  • 247 How did Paul know he was supposed to preach in Macedonia
    God showed him a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for help