
Greyson's Qs

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  • 372 QQ What did Jesus say was the second most important commandment
    Mark 12:31 Love your neighbor as yourself
  • 332 How did God anoint Jesus
    With the Holy Spirit & power
  • 40 How do you got test Abrahams faith when he asked him to leave his home
    By asking Abraham to follow him without telling him where he would lead him
  • 11 Which book of the Bible tells about the beginning of the world
  • 15. Who wrote more books of the Bible than any other person
  • 523 QQ How should a Christian do all things
    Colossians 3:17 & whatever you do or say do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus giving thanks through him to God the Father
  • 317 QQ Quote the verse that says Jesus is always the same
    Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever
  • 46 Who was Melchizedek
    Priest of God and King Salem
  • 484 QQ How important is church attendance
    Hebrews 10:25 & let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near
  • 352 What does Paul mean when he says that all have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard
    People by their own ability cannot attain the righteousness of God
  • 98 What sin did Aaron and the Israelites commit at Mount Sinai
    Making and worshiping the idol of the golden calf
  • 44 To what country did Abraham go in time of famine
  • 515 When the Prodigal Son told his father he was only worthy to be a servant what did the father do
    Put the finest robe on him Put a ring on his finger Put sandals on his feet Gave him a feast
  • 14 What is the theme of the four Gospels
    The life and teachings of Jesus
  • 290 What do we mean when we say the Bible is infallible
    The Bible cannot fail and has no errors
  • 42 What was the original name of the country God promise to Abraham
  • 96 In which book and chapter of the Bible do we find the first record of the Ten Commandments
    Exodus chapter 20
  • 481 QQ According to Romans chapter 8 what things cannot separate us from God's love
    Romans 8:38-39 & I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today n
  • 333 What Hebrew word is the same as the Greek word "Christ"
  • 31 White man walked with God until God took him to heaven without dying
  • 45 Why was it wrong for Lot to live in Sodom
    Because the people of Sodom were very wicked and constantly sinned against the Lord
  • 373 QQ What did Jesus say was the greatest display of love
    John 15:13 There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends
  • 315 What is Jesus' title of divinity
    Son of God
  • 129 Why did the Israelites want a king instead of a judge
    Because they wanted to be like other nations
  • 356 What does it mean to be born again
    The Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life we become a new person
  • 334 QQ How did Jesus say HIs baptism would be different from John's
    Acts 1:5 John baptized with water but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit
  • 375 QQ What did Jesus say would cause the world to know that we are His desciples
    John 13:35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples
  • 495 What are the five books of New Testament history
    Matthew Mark Luke John Acts
  • 351 QQ Have all people sinned
    Romans 3:23 For everyone has sinned we all fall short of God's glorious standard
  • 318 QQ What part did Jesus have in creation
    John 1:3-4 God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him The Word gave life to everything that was created & his life brought li
  • 483 QQ How can we determine Gods will for our lives
    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart do not depend on your own understanding Seek his will in all you do & he will show you which path to take
  • 125 What descendant of Ruth became king of Israel
  • 101 What did God use to lead the Israelites in the wilderness
    A cloud by day and a pillar by night
  • 103 What evidence did the spies bring back to show that Cannan was a good land
    They brought fruit from the land
  • 70 Why did Moses flee from Egypt
    Because it was known that he had killed an Egyptian who mistreated an Israelite
  • 71 Who was Moses' father in law and what was his position
    Jethro, priest of Midian
  • 487 QQ Why should we study the Bible
    2 Timothy 2:15 Work hard so you can present yourself to God & receive his approval Be a good worker one who does not need to be ashamed & who correctly explains
  • 127 Upon what priest did God tell Samuel to pronounce judgement
  • 374 QQ How did Jesus say we may show our love for Him
    John 14:15 If you love me obey my commandements
  • 295 Does the Bible claim to be inspired
    Yes the words and God said or their equivalent are found over 2500 times in the Bible
  • 67 Why did Joseph's brothers go to Egypt
    To buy food
  • 41 Who was Abraham’s nephew
  • 503 What is meant by the fullness of Christ's atonement
    That Jesus death purchased both forgiveness from sin & freedom from its penalty
  • 522 QQ According to Philippians chapter one what assurance do we have that God is able to keep us
    Philippians 1:6 & I am certain that God who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished o the day when Christ Jesus retur
  • 513 What four things does God ask us to do in order to receive His salvation
    Ask God to save us Believe Jesus was raised from the dead Confess & repent of our sins Declare Jesus is Savior & Lord
  • 337 What was proven by Jesus' resurrection
    That Jesus was exactly who He claimed to be Son of God Savior and Lord
  • 497 What are the eight General Epistles
    Hebrews James 1&2 Peter 1, 2&3 John Jude
  • 12 What are the four Gospels
    Matthew Mark Luke John
  • 354 QQ Quote the verse of Romans chapter 5 which tells us the greatest proof of God's love
    Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners
  • 13 What does the word gospel mean
    Good news
  • 3 What are the two divisions of the Bible
    Old Testament and New Testament
  • 353 Paul said if God was for us no one could be against us.
    How do we know God is for us
  • 32 Who lived longer than any other person and how long did he live
    Methuselah 969years
  • 2 How many books are there in the BIble
  • 371 QQ What are the three great Christian virtues
    Mark 12:30 You must love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength
  • 505 QQ Quote the verse of Matthews Gospel which tells of Jesus' supernatural birth
    Matthew 1:23 Look The virgin will conceive a child She will give birth to a son & they will call him Immanuel which means God is with us
  • 498 What are the five books of the New Testament written by John
    Gospel of John 1, 2& 3 John Revelation
  • 319 Over how many different Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by the life and death of Jesus
    Over 300
  • 99 From which of the tribes of Israel were the priests chosen
  • 68 Where did Jacob and his family settle in Egypt
  • 47 What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Hagar
  • 296 What chapter of the Bible is known as the love chapter
    1 Corinthians 13
  • 494 What 12 Old Testament books were written by the minor prophets
    Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
  • 126 What child heard the voice of God speak to him during the night
  • 514 Jesus' parables in Luke chapter 15 deal with what three lost things
    A lost sheep A lost coin A lost son
  • 335 In the Parable of the Good Shepherd what did Jesus say the Good Shepherd would do for the sheep
    Sacrifice his life
  • 336 Why is it absolutely necessary to our salvation that Jesus lived a sinless life
    If Jesus had sinned then His death would have been the penalty of His sin & would not have had power to atone for our sins
  • 124 What Gentile girl decided to serve God because she loved her mother in law Naomi
  • 43 Who was Abraham’s wife
  • 95 Which of the Ten Commandments forbids wrong desires
    You must not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor
  • 102 Why were the twelve spies sent by Moses into Cannan
    To see what kind of land it was and what kind of people lived there
  • 73 What promise did God make to Moses at the burning bush
    That God would rescue the Israelites out of Egypt
  • 16. Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the church
  • 528 Give nine of the characteristics of true Christian love
    Patient Kind Not jealous Not boastful or proud Not rude or irritable Keeps no record of wrongs Does not rejoice about injustice Rejoices when truth wins Hopeful
  • 130 Who was the first king of Israel
  • 310 What do we mean when we say that God is omniscient
    God is all wise and all knowing
  • 72 Where did God appear to Moses out of the burning bush
    Mount Sinai
  • 100 What was the main purpose of the sacrifices and offerings made by the Israelites
    To purify them from their sins
  • 69 Who was the baby that Pharaohs daughter found floating in the river
  • 66 What are the names of the two sons of Joseph
    Ephraim and Manasseh
  • 94 Which of the 10 commandments prohibits lying
    You must not testify falsely against your neighbor
  • 128 As described in Hebrews what was the ark of the covenant
    The sacred box which contained the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments the gold jar of manna and Aarons staff that had sprouted leaves
  • 17 Where is the New Testament book is composed almost entirely of prophecies of the future
  • 299 Which two apostles wrote a Gospel
    Matthew and John
  • 65 Whom did Pharaoh appoint to prepare for the famine
  • 97 What did the Israelites build in which to worship God while they were in the wilderness
    The tabernacle
  • 355 QQ What did Jesus tell Nicodemus was necessary for a person to see the kingdom of God
    John 3:3 I tell you the truth unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God
  • 297 Who wrote the first five books of the Bible
  • 316 What is Jesus' title of humanity
    Son of man