
vocabulary 3

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  • fine
    in my house it is very cold I am fine with my little house and my family
  • good
    my sister does a good job
  • small
    the mouse is smaller than the elephant
  • similar
    my notebook is similar to my friend's notebook
  • sick
    my brother got sick last week
  • Friday
    I like it on Friday because there are no classes
  • desk
    I receive classes at my desk
  • chair
    my brother sits in his chair to eat
  • brown
    my mom likes the brown color
  • july
    in july it is very hot
  • mom
    my mom knows me too much
  • watch
    I look at the time on my watch
  • car
    my dad has a beautiful car
  • classes
    I look at the time on my watch I take classes every day
  • poor
    I gave money to a poor man on the street
  • france
    my uncle bruno lives in france
  • machine
    my dad's machine works great
  • bad
    my older brother is bad
  • black
    my cat is black
  • name
    my name is sofia valladares