
Simple English Idioms

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  • You are looking in the wrong place.
    barking up the wrong tree
  • Free points!
  • Good luck!
    break a leg
  • It's very easy
    a piece of cake
  • Feeling nervous, especially before a speech or performance.
    butterflies in my stomach
  • Don't feel sad about something you can't change
    don't cry over spilt milk
  • Putting every important thing in one place is dangerous
    don't put all your eggs in one basket
  • You are feeling sick.
    under the weather
  • You are so surprised or nervous that you can't speak
    cat got your tongue
  • You told someone a secret.
    let the cat out of the bag
  • You are trying to do a good thing.
    heart is in the right place
  • Make sure you're right before you make a plan
    don't count your chickens before they hatch
  • You read many books.
  • Don't give up!
    hang in there
  • Become comfortable with a new person
    break the ice
  • It is VERY expensive
    it costs an arm and a leg
  • You did two things with one action.
    kill two birds with one stone
  • Nothing is really free.
    no such thing as a free lunch
  • Time goes quickly when you are having fun
    time flies
  • If you begin before other people you will be successful
    the early bird gets the worm
  • Free Points!
  • Free points!
  • You are exactly correct.
    hit the nail on the head
  • You should do something difficult right now, don't wait.
    bite the bullet