
Talyn's Qs

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  • 526 What are four things we should do in order to be more like Jesus
    Learn the Word Pray each day Attend church services Follow the Holy Spirits leading
  • 138 Why did David show kindness to Mephibosheth
    Because Mehpibosheth was Hibatgabs son
  • 320 What was God's first promise of a Savior
    God told the serpent that one of Eve's descendants would defeat him
  • 488 QQ What did John say was his purpose for writing his Gospel
    John 20:31 But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God & that by believing in him you will have life by t
  • 498 What are the five books of the New Testament written by John
    Gospel of John 1, 2&3 John Revelation
  • 83 What miracle did God perfom for Moses at Rephidim
    God brought water from a rock
  • 27 Who were the first two brothers
    Cain and Abel
  • 144 What queen came from a long distance to visit Solomon
    The queen of Sheba
  • 82 How did God provide bread for the Israelites in the wilderness
    By sending manna
  • 308 What do we mean when we say that God is omnipresent
    God is everywhere at the same time
  • 324 What is the doctrine of Jesus' Incarnation
    God the Son became human and lived among us
  • 114 Who protected the spies Joshua sent to Jericho
  • 381 Why were the Christians at Berea honored
    Because they received the Word eagerly and studied the Scriptures every day
  • 19 Who wrote many of the Psalms
    King David
  • 509 QQ In the Sermon on the Mount what did Jesus say was His relationship to the Law and the Prophets
    Matthew 5:17 Don't misunderstand why I have come I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets No I cam to accomplish their purpose
  • 139 Which of Davids sons tried to take the kingdom from him
  • 382 QQ According to First Thessalonians chapter five when should a Christian thank God
    1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus
  • 143 What building did Solomon erect for God
    The Temple of the Lord
  • 49 What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Sarah
  • 305 Which tow Old Testament books tell the history of the Jews after their return from captivity in Babylon
    Ezra and Nehemiah
  • 384 What did Paul tell Timothy was great wealth
    True godliness with contentment is great wealth
  • 115 How did Rahab mark her house so she would be protected when Jericho was captured
    By placing a scarlet rope in the window of her house
  • 26 How are people different from animals
    God created people in His own image
  • 307 What do we mean when we say that God is eternal
    God has neither beginning nor ending but always has been and always will be
  • 291 What do we mean when we say the Bible is verbally inspired
    God inspired each word of the Bible not just the thoughts or ideas
  • 527 What is Paul's threefold advice concerning anger
    Don't use anger as an excuse to sin, Don't hold grudges, Don't listen to the devil
  • 516 In the Parable of the Sower to what four kinds of people did Jesus compare the soils
    Those who allow Satan to steal the Word Those who deny Christ when persecuted Those who allow worldly things to dominate their lives Those who receive the gosp
  • 142 What did Solomon ask God to give him when he became king
  • 345 How were people created in the image of God
    People were created with spiritual natures which permit them to reason make choices and to know and love God
  • 34 Whom did God spare from the great flood
    Noah and his family
  • 339 More than how many people saw Jesus after He was raised from the dead
    More than 500
  • 528 Give 9 of the characteristics of true Christians love
    Patient Kind Not jealous Not boastful or proud Not rude Not demanding of its own way Keeps no record of wrongs Does not rejoice about injustice Rejoices when tr
  • 306 Who are the three Persons of the Trinity
    God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit
  • 338 How important is the doctrine of resurrection to our Christian faith
    If Christ was not raised from the dead, our faith is useless
  • 325 QQ According to John's Gospel why did Jesus come to earth
    John 10:10 The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life
  • 491 What are the twelve books of Old Testament history
    Joshua Judges Ruth 1&2 Samuel 1&2 Kings 1&2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther
  • 28 Who was the first murder
  • 76 What was the tenth and last plague that fell upon Egypt
    The death of the firstborn
  • 358 Is it God's will for all people to be saved
    Yes God wants all people to be saved but each individual must personally choose Christ as Savior
  • 497 What are the eight General Epistles
    Hebrews James 1&2 Peter 1, 2&3 John Jude
  • 55 Where did Jacob have a dream of a stairway reaching to heaven
  • 104 Which two of the twelve spies said the Israelites could capture the land of Canaan
    Joshua and Caleb
  • 327 HOw did Jesus overcome the temptations of Satan
    By using the Scriptures
  • 58 What special meaning did Joseph's dreams have
    He would be a great ruler someday and his family would bow down to him
  • 481 QQ According to Romans chapter eight what things cannot separate us from God's love
    Romans 8-38-39 & I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Gods love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today no
  • 383 According to Ecclesiastes 12:1 when should we begin to seek God
    In our youth
  • 346 When Adam and Eve sinned how did God provide them clothing
    He made them clothing from the skins of animals
  • 519 What are some evidences that a person is truly a Christian
    Love for other Christians Affirmation of the Holy Spirit Bearing spiritual fruit
  • 56 Who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin
  • 86 QQ Which is the first of the Ten Commandments
    Exodus 20:3 You must not have any other god but me
  • 5 How many books are in the Old Testament
  • 510 What three persons did Jesus raise from the dead
    Jairus's daughter A widow's son Lazarus
  • 515 When the Prodigal Son told his father he was only worthy to be a servant what did the father do
    Put the finest robe on him Put a ring on his finger Put sandals on his feet Gave him a feast
  • 363 How important is the blood of Jesus to our salvation
    Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin
  • 311 What part did God the Father have in creation
    God the Father gave the commands that caused the visible world to be created out of nothing
  • 74 How did God persuade Pharaoh to let the Israelites go
    By sending ten plagues upon the land of Egypt
  • 32 Who lived longer that any other person and how long did he live
    Methuselah 969 years
  • 57 What new name did God give to Jacob after he wrestled with God
  • 75 Whom did God give Moses to help him in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt
    Moses' brother Aaron
  • 3 What are the two divisions of the Bible
    Old Testament & New Testament
  • 289 How did God give us the Bible
    The Holy Spirit inspired holy men giving them both the truth and the words to write
  • 344 How did God create woman
    God made woman out of one of the ribs of Adam
  • 85 Oh what mountain did God give Moses the Ten Commandments
    Mount Sinai
  • 506 QQ When Thomas asked about the way to heaven what did Jesus say
    John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life No one can come to the Father Except through the me
  • 494 What twelve Old Testament books were written by the minor prophets
    Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
  • 25 Who were the first man and first woman
    Adam and Eve
  • 113 Who were the only two men who left Egypt and entered Canaan
    Joshua and Caleb
  • 493 What five Old Testament books were written by the major prophets
    Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel
  • 326 QQ According to Luke's Gospel why did Jesus come to earth
    Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost
  • 499 QQ Quote the verse which declares only Jesus can give us salvation
    Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved
  • 141 Whom did God tell David to choose to be king after his death
  • 365 QQ Quote the verse of Romans chapter one which tells us the power of the gospel
    Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ It is the power of God at work saving everyone who believes
  • 500 Give five of Jesus I am declarations from the Gospel of John
    [I am the] Bread of Life, Light of the World, Gate, Good Shepherd, Resurrection & the Life, Way truth & Life, True Grapevine
  • 357 What instructions did Paul give Christians for getting along with other people
    Live in harmony with each other Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people Don't think you know it all
  • 103 What evidence did the spies bring back to show that Canaan was a good land
    They brought fruit from the land
  • 140 When did David say life begins
    In the womb
  • 48 What two cities did God destroy with fire because of their great wickedness
    Sodom and Gomorrah
  • 105 How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness
  • 112 How old was Moses when he died
    120 years old
  • 87 QQ Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits the worshiping of idols
    Exodus 20:4 You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind
  • 364 What is meant by the vicarious atonement
    Jesus took the punishment for our sins when He died on Calvary and if we accept Him as Savior we will not have to be punished by God
  • 116 By what miracle did the Israelites enter the Promised Land
    God stopped the flow of the Jordan River during its flood stage
  • 84 How did Aaron and Hur help Moses gain the victory over the Amalekites
    By holding up Moses' hands
  • 29 How did sin enter the world
    Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve
  • 492 What are the five books of Old Testament poetry
    Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon
  • 18 Which of the Old Testament books is a collection of hymns and songs