
Future tenses

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  • What's the negative form of "will"?
    will not / won't
  • Hurry up! The film ...................... in half an hour! (start)
  • They ____________ (go) shopping tomorrow.
    are going to go
  • She's decided that she ............................. medicine at university. (study)
    is going to study
  • What is the auxiliar used in simple future?
  • I promise I ................... late! (not be)
    won't be
  • When do we use "be going to"?
    For future plans
  • (you/help)............................................ me?
    Will you help me?
  • When do we use "be going to"?
    For future plans
  • When do we use the future simple (will)?
    For spontaneous decisions or predictions
  • Sorry, I .......................... (not do) it again!
    won't do
  • That's the phone ringing. I ...................... it! (get)
    will get
  • I think my brother (become) ........................................... a doctor in future.
    will become
  • Find the mistake: Samuel and Antonio Jesús will to play football.
    "will play football"
  • Our train ................ at 5:15 pm. (leave)
  • She ... probably ... later. (phone)
    She WILL probably PHONE later.
  • We_______ (buy) a new house next year.
    are going to buy