
Vocabulary #5

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  • 1 the shape of the apple is Irregular
    2 the shape of orange is Irregular
  • 1 my mom always says Find a Solution:
    2 my dad always says Find a Solution:
  • 1 the construction of a 2-day house is Impossible
    2 there are times when mathematics is a Impossible
  • 1 I want to find out the answers to my questions
    2 master find out things
  • 1 today I committed something illegal
    2 My friend did something illegal
  • 1 my doctor's handwriting is Illegible;
    2 my mom says my handwriting is very illegible;
  • 1 my friend did something Inadequate
    2 I have something Inadequate
  • 1 take an incorrect question out of the exam
    2 I never do incorrect
  • 1 I have to sharpen your memory
    2 my brother has to sharpen your memory
  • 1 i have good reasoning
    2 my cousin have good reasoning
  • 1 my dad always tells my sister Reach a conclusion
    2 my aunt always tells my sister Reach a conclusion
  • 1 my brother is talking illogical things
    2 my sister has illogical things
  • 1 I have many doubts about the English class
    2 I have doubt about everything
  • 1 I am Unable to destroy the house
    2 I am Unable of doing bad things
  • 1 my mom Have a hint: for their university work
    2 my cousin Have a hint: for their university work
  • 1 I don't have good Connection with my grandfather
    2 I don't have a good connection with my peers
  • 1 my mom always tells me Increase your attention
    2 my brother always tells me Increase your attention
  • 1 I never understand irrational things
    2 I hate things Irrational
  • 1 sometimes I speak inaccurate things
    2 sometimes I do inaccurate things
  • 1 sometimes I'm Idle on roblox
    2 i am very Idle