
Superlatives and comparatives! Fight on!

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  • This giraffe is ..... (wysoka)
  • Superlative form of "good" is...
    the best
  • This rabbit is .... (szybki).
  • Puss in boots is ..........(najsłodszy)!
    the cutest
  • Translate to English: Tom jest tak wysoki jak Bob.
    Tom is as tall as Bob.
  • Comparative form of the word "bad"
  • Grade the adjective "small"
    Small - smaller - the smallest
  • Translate to English: Angielski jest najlepszy!
    English is the best!
  • The prince is ..... (niski)
  • Comparative form of word "good"
  • Translate to Polish: Comedies are more interesting than cartoons.
    Komedie są bardziej interesujące niż kreskówki.
  • This turtle is very ... (powolny).
  • Comparative form of word "nice"
  • Grade the adjective "far"
    far - further - the furthest
  • Translate to Polish: Bugatti is the most expensive car in the world.
    Bugatti jest najdroższym samochodem na świecie.
  • Comparative form of word "intelligent"
    more intelligent
  • Grade the adjective "happy"
    happy - happier - the happierst
  • Translate to Polish: "My cat is as sweet as your cat".
    Mój kot jest tak słodki jak twój kot.
  • Translate to English: Tygrys jest bardziej niebezpieczny niż zebra.
    A tiger is more dangerous than a zebra.
  • Shrek is ..... (grubszy) than Donkey
  • Superlative form of "bad" is...
    the worst
  • Comparative form of word "big"
  • Translate to Polish: Maths is the worst lesson in school!
    Matematyka jest najgorszą lekcją w szkole!
  • Comparative form of word "dangerous"
    more dangerous
  • Grade the adjective "beautiful"
    beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful