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  • Give an antonym for INFER.
    neglect, disbelieve, divide, scatter, misunderstand
  • What can you infer if the runner is wearing a medal with a red ribbon around her neck?
    I could infer that the runner just won second place in a race.
  • What could you infer if you see someone eating a new food and he or she makes a face?
    You could infer that person does not like the new food.
  • Give an antonym for INFER.
    neglect, disbelieve, divide, scatter, misunderstand
  • Use INFER in a sentence.
    He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.
  • Give a synonym for INFER.
    conclude, deduce, gather, and judge
  • What does INTERPRET mean?
    Interpret means to explain the meaning of.
  • Spell INFER.
  • What could you infer if you see dark clouds moving in overhead?
    You could infer it might rain.
  • Give a synonym for INFER.
    conclude, deduce, gather, and judge
  • What does analyze mean?
    Analyze means to examine methodically and in detail the constitution of something.
  • Define INFER.
    Infer means to conclude from evidence and reasoning.
  • What part of speech is INFERENCE?
  • What part of speech is INFER?
  • Spell INFERENCE.