
ISE 2 first term mix

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  • Do you think that some public figures earn too much money?
  • Which is more important to you – family or friends?
  • Do you think it is possible for all countries to have the same standard of living?
  • Who is the most important public figure in your country at the moment?
  • What is the standard of living like where you live?
  • Does this country have a better or worse standard of living than neighbouring countries?
  • Who is the most important public figure in your country at the moment?
  • Do you think that public figures should set an example for us?
  • Who is an example of a famous person who is a good/bad role model?
  • How do you think living standards will change in the next 10/20 years?
  • Describe your ideal society
  • What are your values in life?
  • What are your ambitions, hopes and fears?
  • Has anyone ever questioned your values? What did they say?
  • Do you think we rely too much on material goods like cars, money, etc…?
  • Do you think it is more important to have an ethical job or a well paying one?
  • Who do you think was the most important public figure in the past? Why?
  • What is the standard of living like in this country in general?
  • What would you change in your area to improve the standard of living?
  • Have living standards changed in your area in recent years? How?
  • Do you think that public figures should set an example for us?