
SPIN Model of Selling

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  • Sales and Marketing are the same(True or False)
  • Your competitor is charging MORE than you. When you want to sell, do you say your product is? (Less expensive or A better deal)
    Less expensive,
  • The main task of the seller is to help his customer understand that the product or service being presented to him, will achieve the satisfaction of his needs or desires(True or False)
  • SPIN Stands for ____________________________
    Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff.
  • It takes time and practice to perfect the art of closing a deal !! (True or False)
  • Developing a solid technique is a big part of learning how to sell efficiently(True or False)
  • Active listening is must in Sales while using SPIN Model?
  • As a salesperson, what you should sell first on a sales call? (1- The fine reputation of the company you work for or 2- The great service or product you are selling or 3- Your personality, your style, yourself)
    The fine reputation of the company you work for
  • Sales are not something you can pick up right away.(True or False)
  • ______________ is a way to connect with your customer on a personal level ( Empathy, Conversation, Eye contact)
  • Good customer discovery always focuses on asking close ended questions ? (True or false)
  • If at anytime you don't understand something, ask the customer ___________. (To clarify, Open ended questions, Yes or no questions)
    To clarify
  • "Do you think solving this problem would help achieve your future goals?" this question refres to which stage of SPIN Model ?
    Play - off
  • You need to create an interest in what is being offered and retain it long enough to finish the presentation.(True or False)
  • SPIN Model was introduce by ___________
    Neil Rackham
  • Common reasons customers object is because of lack of Knowledge, Specific warranted concern, Hidden agenda, Perception issue, Not be clear about their interests. (True or false)