
Building Our Social Skills Superpowers

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  • The teacher is helping another student with their assignment. You need to ask the teacher a question.
    What can you say or do?
  • You are working on an assignment with a classmate you really don't know.
    What can you say or do?
  • Your teacher asks you to bring something to another classroom. You’re walking through the hall, but you don’t know where to go. What can you do to find the classroom you need to get to?
    What can you say or do?
  • You and your friends are playing game. There is five minutes until the final bell rings at school. What can you do to make sure you have your bookbag ready when the bell rings?
    What can you say or do?
  • When you get to school, you notice there is a new crossing guard. They say “Good morning” to you. What can you do?
    What can you say or do?
  • You have a lot of energy during a test you are taking. What is something you can do?
    What can you say or do?
  • Your friend asks you to play monopoly but you wanted to watch a movie instead.
    What can you say or do?
  • You are at the doctor's office. The nurse comes in and asks what is wrong.
    What can you say or do?
  • You hear classmates making fun of one of your friends.
    What can you say or do?
  • You see your aunt/uncle who you have not seen in a while.
    What can you say or do?
  • It is Friday, you are getting off the school bus. The bus driver says "Watch your step, I'll see you Monday!"
    What can you say or do?
  • There is a new student in your class. They are sitting next to you.
    What can you say or do?
  • You’re in the store and you notice that something fell out of a stranger’s cart. What can you say or do to tell them?
    What can you say or do?
  • School is over and you are talking with your friend. You notice your bus is filling up and getting ready to leave. You need to get on the bus but your friend keeps talking.
    What can you say or do?
  • Your friend is back at school after being out a few days on vacation.
    What can you say or do?
  • You are waiting to get picked up at school. You and your friend are talking to each other. Your friends parent comes to get them while you guys talk.
    What can you say or do?