
Repaso quinto

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  • Clasifica esta frase en past simple o present simple / plural/ singular : There are two hotels near the supermarket
    Present simple / Plural
  • Haz una frase con there was
    There was a shopping centre
  • Past of watch
  • Menciona 2 adverbios de presente continuo
    Now, at the moment
  • Deletrea sin mirar la palabra supermercado
    S U P E R M A R K E T
  • Haz una frase con play table tennis en presente contínuo
    I am playing tennins now
  • ¿Para qué usamos el presente continuo?
    Para indicar lo que está ocurriendo ahora mismo
  • What is he doing now ?
  • Flashcard game: Mimic 5 Words in 3 minutes
  • Haz una frase con there was
    There was a supermarket
  • Flashcard game: Hit the picture
  • Use a past sentencie
  • Dime qué va a hacer tu amiga mañana
    She is goingo to....
  • En grupo decid una frase en futuro cantando
  • Past of visit
  • Use a negative past sentence
  • Haz una frase con shopping centre
    There is a shopping centre near the school
  • Flashcard game: Memory
  • Body word with your group
  • En grupo decid una frase en futuro cantando
  • Compara un perro con un elefante en inglés
    The dog is smaller than the elephant
  • Flashcard game: Hit the picture
  • Compara a una jirafa con una serpienta en inglés
    The giraffe is bigger than the snake
  • Escribe qué vas a hacer mañana
    I’m goingo to....
  • Usa We en una frase
    We are going to....
  • Haz una frase con next to
    The hotel is next to the museum
  • Dime qué vas a hacer mañana
    I’m goingo to....
  • Para qué usamos there is?
    Lo usamos para indica que hay algo, en singular. Hay un hotel
  • What is he doing now ?
  • Haz una frase en PASADO Y PLURAL con opposite
    There were two hotels opposite the school
  • What is he doing now ?