
EN: Passiivi (kaikki aikamuodot)

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  • Ice hockey ____ played in most European countries.
    Ice hockey IS played in most European countries.
  • When the rules ____ ____ _____ everyone was happy. Kun säännöt oli kirjoitettu, kaikki olivat onnellisia.
    When the rules HAD BEEN WRITTEN everyone was happy.
  • We ____ taught to play basketball at school.
    We ARE taught to play basketball at school.
  • Miksi kysymykseeni ei vastattu?
    Why wasn't my question answered?
  • Water bottles ____ ____ ______ this time. Vesipulloja ei unohdettaisi tällä kertaa.
    Water bottles WOULDN'T BE FORGOTTEN this time
  • I ____ often invited to parties.
    I AM often invited to parties.
  • Minua pyydettiin ottamaan valokuvia ystävistäni.
    I was asked to take pictures of my friends.
  • Uusi kauppa avataan pian.
    The new shop will be opened soon.
  • The bill ______ _____ ______ on time. Laskua ei ole maksettu ajoissa.
    The bill HASN'T BEEN PAID on time.
  • Jalkapallopeliä ei pelata ensi lauantaina.
    The football match will not be played next Saturday.
  • Tämä valokuva otettiin leirillä.
    This photo was taken at camp.
  • A new Canadian film ____ shown yesterday evening.
    A new Canadian film WAS shown yesterday evening.
  • What languages ______ spoken at the camp? (imp.)
    What languages WERE spoken at the camp?
  • Kadonnutta lompakkoa ei ole löydetty vielä.
    The missing wallet has not been found yet.
  • American films ____ shown everywhere.
    American films ARE shown everywhere.
  • You _____ needed here.
    You ARE needed here.
  • French ____ spoken in many parts of Canada.
    French IS spoken in many parts of Canada.
  • Mobile phones ____ called cell phones in America.
    Mobile phones ARE called cell phones in America.
  • ____ the hotel room ____ _______ today? Siivotaanko hotellihuone tänään? (fut.)
    WILL the hotel room BE CLEANED today?
  • I _____ helped after the accident.
    I WAS helped after the accident.
  • A lot of emails ____ sent last week.
    A lot of emails WERE sent last week.
  • The keys ______ _____ _____ yet. Avaimia ei ole löydetty vielä.
    The keys HAVEN'T BEEN FOUND yet.
  • All the students _____ woken up early. (imp.)
    All the students WERE woken up early.
  • The rules ____ _____ ______ together with the students. Säännöt on kirjoitettu yhdessä oppilaiden kanssa.
    The rules HAVE BEEN WRITTEN together with the students.
  • Videota ei näytetty kaikkialla.
    The video was not shown everywhere.