
M5 Moon Unit 9, 10, 11 Review

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  • What is a Jolly Roger?
    A pirate ship flag with a white skull and crossbones
  • widespread - 1 similar word
    common / far-reaching
  • T / F creating biofuels requires less energy to make than it produces
  • scarcity - definition
    not enough of something
  • greed - 1 similar word
    desire / selfishness / excess
  • spur - definition
    to encourage someone or make them want to do something
  • T / F the fact that the Earth has a limited supply of petroleum has only been recently acknowledged by scientists
  • What is global warming?
    Gradual rise in the Earths temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gasses in the atmosphere
  • What is an example of a renewable resource?
    Food crops like corn and soybeans
  • vanish - 1 opposite word
    appear / arrive / come about
  • What country do cultural anthropologists say is oppressing the people of Tibet?
  • What does a cultural anthropologist do?
    Study different cultures
  • What is a peg-leg?
    An artificial leg made of wood
  • What is a Golden Age?
    A period of time which a high level of achievement is reached in a particular field of activity
  • T / F Pirates operated along Americas western coast & Africa's eastern coast in the golden age of piracy
  • What is Ethnology?
    The study of different people, races, or Ethnic groups based on culture
  • scraggly - 1 opposite word
    neat / tidy
  • release - 1 opposite word
    absorb / hold / keep
  • What are fossil fuels?
    Substances produced by the decay of plants and animals over millions of years
  • consume - 1 similar word
    use up / exhaust
  • T / F Due to a variety of cultures today our planet seems to be expanding day after day
  • Why do cultural anthropologists think some Native American languages are slowly disappearing?
    Official government policies worked to eradicate them
  • T / F Cultural Survival is a publication that focuses on ethnologically important issues
  • biofuel - definition
    fuel made from organic sources
  • vessel - 1 similar word
    ship / large boat
  • T / F In the 17th century pirates in Britain received severe punishment for their crimes
  • stereotype - definition
    overgeneralized and simplified idea, concept and image
  • erupt - 1 similar word
    to burst / explode