
Vocabulary #5

  • The selected game type is invalid.
  •   0%
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  • noun - medicine
    treatment for illness or injury.
  • noun - stomachache
    pain in your stomach.
  • idiom - stay home
    to not go out for an activity
  • phrase - take medicine
    a substance that you take to treat an illness
  • noun - bandage
    piece of cloth that is tied around an injury
  • phrase - blow your nose
    to clean your nose.
  • noun - tissue
    soft paper that is used for cleaning.
  • noun - runny nose
    excess nasal drainage
  • noun - sore throat
    your throat is red and feels painful.
  • verb - sneeze
    to send air out from the nose and mouth in an explosive way
  • noun - cold
    infection, especially in the nose and throat
  • noun - antibiotic
    a medicine or chemical
  • noun - patient
    a person who is receiving medical care
  • noun - headache
    a pain you feel inside your head
  • noun - earache
    a pain in the inside part of the ear
  • verb - cover
    to put or spread something over something.
  • noun - thermometer
    a device used for measuring temperature.
  • noun - fever
    the body temperature is higher than usual
  • verb - cough
    to force air out of your lungs
  • noun - germs
    a very small organism.