
The Road not Taken

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  • Give ONE example of how the roads are the same.
    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood just as fair / Both that morning equally lay / Both had been used almost the same.
  • How did the speaker reach his decision?
    compare and contrast
  • This poem is written by...
    Robert Frost
  • Some people say the poem is about regret. Why do you think they say that?
    The sigh / the title / he could not choose both ways and he is sorry about it /
  • The fork in the road represents-
    those points in our lives when we have to make decisions
  • What is the emotional state of the traveler?
  • What does the narrator decide to do?
    Take the second road
  • "Oh I kept the first for another day" What did the speaker keep for another day? Do you agree with his decision?
  • Does the poem discuss the meaning or aspect of freedom or responsibility ?
    This poem highlights the fact that freedom (of choice in this instance) brings with it its own set of responsibilities.
  • Describe the setting
    Fall/ forest/ morning
  • What is the traveler’s problem in the first stanza of the poem?
    He doesn’t know which road to take. / He can’t decide what to do. / He is sorry he can’t take both roads.
  • How does he think he will feel about his decision? (hots)
    The sigh.
  • Which path had been walked on that morning before the poet traveled on one?
    None of them
  • The paths represent-
  • What is the theme of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost?
    it allows readers to think about the decisions they make. Some decisions are life-changing and others are more a matter of preference.
  • The woods represents-
  • Why was it hard for the speaker to decide which road to take?
    Both roads looked appealing / the roads weren’t all that different 
  • "Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back." What does the speaker mean by this? He means that
    he could never take the other road
  • The poet took the road...
    The one less traveled on
  • The traveler could not see where the road was going because
    It wasn't straight
  • The poem is called The Road Not Taken why?
    human nature
  • What is the metaphor in the poem.
    choices in life
  • Copy the words from the poem that describe the road that fewer people took.
    grassy and wanted wear / less traveled by
  • "I shall be telling this with a sigh" - What does the word "this" refer to?
    Making decision / his decision / not taking the other road
  • The undergrowth represents-
  • The speaker takes a long time to make his decision. What is he thinking about?
    He knows this is an important decision. He wants to choose the road that is best for him. Which road is better for him.