
Reading 2

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  • Why do the townspeople chase the signmaker into the woods?
    They think he made the signs that caused so much trouble.
  • What does the signmaker do when people thank him?
    He says he couldn't have done it without Norman's help.
  • Think about the two signs that Norman has made. What have they told people to do?
    not to go to school, to swim in the park fountain
  • He says he couldn't have done it without Norman's help. What does this tell you about the signmaker?
    He is nice. He is appreciates Norman's help.
  • People looking at the same events may see things in a completely different way. True or False? Explain or give an example.
    True. Look at Page 140. Norman changes the signs. Norman thinks it is funny, but the townspeople are angry
  • Why do you think the author wrote the story?
    To make people laugh. I think this because the story is funny.
  • Why did Norman make these signs?
    They looked like fun things to do.
  • When people see the signmaker’s signs they always ________them.
    follow/ trust/ obey
  • Norman knows the town is in danger without __________ and his signs.
    the signmaker
  • What does Norman do after he puts up the new signs?
    He returns all his presents and clears away the garbage at the grocery store.
  • Why is it useful for readers to ask themselves questions as they read stories?
    To check that they understand what is happening
  • What do the townspeople learn about following signs? The townspeople learn they should not follow signs without _____.
  • How does Norman feel at the end of the story?
    sorry, guilty, ashamed, feel bad for what he did
  • Why doesn't the author write about what the townpeople are doing? <illustration>
    The illustrations show people doing silly things, the signs in the pictures explain why they are doing them.
  • What might be an example of “words of warning”?
    beware of the dog
  • The townpeople think the signmaker made the No School Today sign. They do not know that __________ is playing a trick.
  • What three kinds of words did the signmaker put on his signs?
    words of wisdom, words of warning, words that say which door to use
  • What might be an example of “words of wisdom”?
    keep calm and be kind to others
  • Why do the townspeople follow the signmaker's signs?
    Because they trust him. He makes good signs.
  • What happens after the townspeople realize that they have been tricked?
    They become angry and tear down all the signs in town.