
HR & Communications Final Review

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  • State what you would do if a Patient has been waiting in the waiting room for longer than 30 min.
    Answers will vary
  • Define Subpoena Duces Tecum
    Documentation, such as a patient's chart, ordered by a court
  • State what the waiting room should look like.
    Answers will vary
  • State the difference between objective and subjective
    Answers will vary
  • State the correct order of the communication cycle?
    Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback
  • Define Answering Service
    A business that specializes in taking and relaying telephone messages when offices are closed
  • Define Protocol
    a set of instructions used for reference that prescribes strict adherence to correct etiquette and preference
  • Type of minor who is emotionally and intellectually mature enough to give informed consent and may be able to make health care decisions
    Mature Minor
  • What are Ergonomics?
    The design of a chair that provides lumbar back support, and facing a computer screen away from a window that might produce glare
  • List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
    Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
  • What are Good Samaritan Laws?
    State laws that protect healthcare professionals and ordinary citizens from liability in case of an emergency
  • Define Flextime
    Type of work schedule that may permit working different hours on different days within an available range of hours?
  • Define: Living will/advanced directive
    written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment
  • Define Pandemic
    New infectious virus, capable of being transmitted from human to human and affecting a large population over a wide geographic area to which the world populatio
  • What does the term Respondeat Superior mean?
    The Physician is held responsible for the action of their employees, or office.
  • What is informed consent
    A document that states all the risks and benefits of having a procedure and requires a signature from the patient
  • Define Double Message
    Answers will vary
  • How long does it take a person to pick up on your attitude from listening to the tone of a voice?
    10 seconds
  • List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
    Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
  • What occurs during the "Anger" stage of dying?
    A person may ask "Why Me?"
  • Misfeasance is best described as:
    Improperly performing an otherwise proper or lawful act
  • At which stage of dying does a patient with a terminal illness reach a point of feeling at peace?
    Acceptance Stage
  • What are Bioethics
    Dilemmas or issues surrounding advances in medicine
  • What is Protected health information (PHI)
    Answers will vary
  • List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
    Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
  • According to Dr. Elizabeth Kulber-Ross, most individuals who experience the impending death of a loved one will initially experience which of the following emotions as part of the grieving process?
  • Which type of appointment scheduling is most likely to be used for grouping procedures during the day or week?
  • Which type of communication provides the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings, in an open, honest, and direct way
    Assertive Verbal Communication
  • What is Nonfeasance?
    Failure to perform a necessary action
  • What is some information that may be included in the Patients' Past Medical History?
    Childhood diseases, Previous Illnesses
  • Define Res Ipsa loquitor
    This Latin phrase means that the occurrence of wrongdoing is so obvious, no further evidence is necessary and negligence is assumed.
  • What is implied consent
    Agreement shown through inference by signs, inaction or silence
  • What does the term Standard of Care mean?
    Ordinary skills and care that must be used by all medical practitioners
  • List Maslow's Hierarchy of need from bottom to top
    Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization
  • What is the person called who initiates a lawsuit and what is the person called who responds?
    Plaintiff- Defendant
  • Define Modified Wave Scheduling
    Patients scheduled the first half of every hour with the second half for work-in emergency appointments