
Southern Colonies

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  • Name two crops that were grown most in the Southern Colonies?
    Tobacco, Cotton, Rice, Sugar Cane
  • Describe what an indentured servant is.
    Someone who had to work for their travel to the colonies but only for a few years, then could live their life.
  • Who founded the Colony of Virginia?
    John Smith
  • Describe what a cash crop is.
    A crop sold for profit instead of grown for personal use.
  • Did the Toleration Act allow for Christians to worship freely or not worship freely?
    They could worship freely
  • Why did James Oglethorpe start the Georgia Colony?
    To have a colony where debtors can seek refuge from the money they owed in England.
  • Name the 5 Southern Colonies
    Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, North and South Carolina
  • Describe what an enslaved person is.
    Someone who was taken from their home to the colonies and forced to work.
  • Name two types of people who worked on the plantations.
    Indentured servants and enslaved people
  • What buildings would you find on plantations in the southern colonies?
    Main house, slave quarters, laundry house, smokehouse, barn
  • Which colony was settled in first?