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  • Is...?
    Yes, it is
  • ..............your favourite toy?
    My favourite toy is my go-kart
  • Make a sentence using LIKE
    I like dogs
  • Pass...
  • Describe the toy
  • Hello, how are you?
    I'm fine, thanks
  • Make a sentence using DON'T
    I don't like broccoli
  • Make a question: HAVE...?
    Have you got an apple?
  • Describe the toy
  • Make a question using: IS
    Is it a cat?
  • Where is the cat?
    Under the table
  • Make a sentence using HAVE
    I've got a pizza
  • Is...?
    No, it isn't
  • Make a sentence using HAVEN'T
    I haven't got a cheese sandwich
  • Where is the cat?
    In the box
  • Complete the questions: Have....?
    Have you got a cake?
  • The elephant is ....... and the mouse .........
  • What...?
    It's a pencil
  • Where is the plant?
    On the table