
Science - 7th grade - Lesson 3 (review)

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  • What is the function of the vacuoles?
    It stores water, food or other materials needed by the cell.
  • Name the seven levels of classification
    From the smallest to the biggest: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum and kingdom.
  • Does chloroplast exist in plants cells? Does it exist in animal cells?
    It exists only in plants cell.
  • What is the function of cell membrane?
    It controls which substances pass into an out of the cell.
  • True or false: All animal cells have cell wall.
    False. Only cells of plants have cell wall.
  • True or false: each species receive a three part scientific name.
    False. It receives a two-part name.
  • Which famous scientist was reponsible for creating the system called binomial nomenclature.
    Carolus Linnaeus
  • What is the function of the nucleus?
    It acts directing all of the cell's activities.
  • True or false: All cells have cell membrane.
    True :)
  • What is the scientific name of polar bear?
    Ursus maritimus.
  • What does classification mean?
    It means grouping things based on their similarities.
  • Which cell structure can be compared to a gel?
  • What is the scientific name of brown bear?
    Ursus arctos.
  • Which cell structure can be compared with the brain?
    The nucleus.
  • What is a cell?
    the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.