
Class review Grade 7

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  • Which type of medicine can I take to relieve pain in my body like a headache? Name a specific medicine, aswell as the type.
    Painkiller: Buprex, Paracetamol, ibuprofen
  • What is an infectious illness?
    An illness which is caused by an infectious agent.
  • Name an illness that is infectious, but not contagious.
    Tetanus, Salmonellosis,etc.
  • What are allergies?
    An exagerrated reaction to a foreign substance.
  • How can I prevent getting a contagious illness?
    Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands frequantly, don't touch your eyes/ears/mouth.
  • What are the 3 types of medicine?
    Painkillers, antibiotics, vaccines.
  • An example of a cardiovascular disease is?
    Blocked arteries, heart disease, stroke.
  • Name 3 symptoms of COVID.
    Fever, headache, shortness of breath, loss of smell, loss of taste.
  • Is cancer contagious?
    No, it cannot be passed from an ill person to a healthy one,
  • What are symptoms?
    Your bodies alarm system telling you that an infectious agent has entered.
  • What is a contagious illness?
    An illness which can be passed from an ill person to a healthy person.
  • Name 3 symptoms of Food poisoning.
    stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Is Diabetes contagious?
    No, it cannot be passed from an ill person to a healthy one,
  • How can I prevent getting a non infectious illness? Name 3 ways.
    Excersise regularly, have a healthy diet, have good self esteem, be responsible, etc.
  • An illness which can be passed from my parents is called?
    Congenital disease
  • If a snake bites me, what type of non infectious illness might I get?
  • Which type of medicine can I take to cure an infection like Salmonellosis (food poisoning)?
  • If I eat too many sweet and fatty foods, what can I develop?
  • Which type of medicine can I take to prevent an illness like COVID?
  • What type of illness is depression?
    Mental illness
  • Name an illness that is both infectious and contagious.
    Covid, Influenza, etc.
  • How can I be infected with an illness?
    Infectious agents can enter my mouth, eyes, ears, nose, through contact or the air.
  • If I do not eat enough food, and do not have enough vitamins and minerals, what is it called?
  • What is more important, physical or mental health? Why?
    Both are very important. You cannot have one without the other.
  • Are broken bones an infectious or non infectious illness?
    Non infectious
  • Name the 4 infectious agents?
    Protozoa, virus, fungi, bacteria