
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ch.27

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  • Why did Mike throw a tantrum?
    He wanted to watch television but his dad told he'd had enough of the television.
  • Where did Mike Teavee jump into?
    the camera
  • Why are vitamins s and h not in the Supervitamin Chocolate?
    it makes you sick and makes you grow horns on top of your head
  • How is Mr Wonka going to fatten Mike up?
    with triple dose of Supervitamin Chocolate
  • Why was Mr Teavee worried about sending his son to school like that?
    he would get squashed
  • Q. At the end of this chapter, how many children are left touring the factory?
  • What are the only vitamins that Supervitamin Chocolate don't have?
    Vitamin S and H
  • How can they make Mike grow?
    Mr Wonka wants to put him in a special machine that tests the stretchiness of chewing gum
  • How far do they think Mike will stretch?
    Miles and will get very thin
  • What will the magical Vitamin Wonka do to him?
    grow his toes out until they are as long as fingers
  • How big was Mike Teavee after coming through the tv?
    pocket size, small enough to be carried in one hand
  • Where does Mike Teavee come through after jumping into the camera?
    through the tv
  • What might happen to Mike Teavee that lets his mother scream?
    It could be that only half of him comes through.
  • What did Mike say he would still be able to do after his dad says he won't be able to do anything?
    watch television
  • Mike Teevee was excited to be the first person...
    to be sent by television