
We care about climate change (U-2,4º)

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  • What is climate?
    Climate is the characteristics state of the atmosphere in a specific place over a long period of time.
  • Name the climate zones.
    Cold zone, hot zone and temperate zone.
  • it indicates whether the air is hot or cold
  • What's this?
  • It is __________ at higher altitudes
  • What's this?
  • The Sun's rays hit the areas near the________
  • What's this?
    Melting of ice caps
  • Extreme__________ _____________ force people to migrate.
    weather events
  • How is temperature measured?
    Temperatura is measured in degrees Celsius (cº).
  • What causes the increase of the amount of greenhouse gases?
    Air pollution
  • What is the atmosphere?
    It is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.
  • Abundant precipitation with snow in winter
    Mountain climate.
  • People die from ___________, droughts and__________
  • Describe the factors that affect climate.
    Distance from he sea, distance from the Equator and altitude.
  • Name the hot climates
    Tropical, Equatorial and Desert
  • What human action is related to thisphoto?
    Recycling waste
  • Say the four climates of Spain.
    Oceanic, Mediterranean, Mountain and Subtropical.
  • It is foun in th Islas Canarias
    Subtropical climate.
  • How is precipitation measured?
    With a rain gauge
  • Cold temperatures in winter and hot in summer
    Mediterranean - inland
  • Mild temperatures and scarce precipitations
    Mediterranean  - typical climate.
  • It is the amount of water that falls in a day