
P(4) Sound

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  • What kind of pitch sound can make for thunder?
    low- pitched sound
  • To muffle the sound of car's engine, which equipment does we need to use?
  • Look at the picture and answer.
    air(soft)/water (louder) / wood (loudest)
  • What are the main part of different materials to travel sound?
    solids /liquids/ gases
  • What is the unit for measuring sound?
  • Which instrument have to use to measure sound?
    a sound level meter
  • How to travel sound?
  • If the faster the vibrations, can be the higher the pitch of sound or the lower the pitch of the sound.
    the higher the pitch of the sound
  • Not to damage ears, what things we need to use?
    ear defenders
  • What can make vibrating objects?
  • what can cause large vibrations?
    loud sounds
  • a word for "move from the vibrating object through materials".
  • can sound travel through materials?
  • Which materials is the best to travel sound?
  • a word for "where something comes from"
  • How can raise the pitch on a stringed instrument?
    by making the string thinner ,shorter or tighter
  • a word for " how loud or soft sound".
    volume of sound
  • a word for " to make sounds less and less clear".
  • Which materials are good for muffling sound?(hard or soft materials)
    soft materials (eg. carpet/curtains)
  • a word for " how high or low a sound is".