
Earth, Compass, and Directions

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  • Is Canada in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere?
    Northern Hemisphere
  • What does NW mean on a compass?
  • Why are countries near the Equator hot all year long?
    Sunlight hits the Earth most directly at the equator because it's the center line.
  • What does a year on Earth mean?
    In 365 days, the Earth revolves around the sun.
  • If a person is looking at sunset, what direction is behind her?
  • Is Thailand in the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, or at the Equator?
    At the Equator.
  • What is the imaginary center line in the Earth called?
  • Where does the sun set?
    In the West.
  • What does a day on Earth mean?
    In 24 hours, the Earth rotates on itself.
  • What is 8:00pm in 24 hour time?
  • If a person is looking at sunrise, what direction is to her left?
  • What season is it in Australia during December?
  • Describe sunset.
    The Earth rotates away from the sun making the sun appear to set.
  • Why do countries in the Northern Hemisphere experience Summer in July?
    The Earth tilts the Northern Hemisphere towards the sun in July.
  • What season is it in Canada during December?
  • What is the area below the equator called?
    Southern Hemisphere
  • What is 16:00?
  • Describe sunrise.
    The Earth rotates towards the sun making the sun appear to rise.
  • What does SE mean on a compass?
  • What is Japan known as?
    The land of the rising sun.
  • Is Australia in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere?
    Southern Hemisphere
  • What is the area above the equator called?
    Northern Hemisphere
  • Where does the sun rise?
    In the East.
  • Where is the Earth tilted in Australia's winter?
    The Earth is tilted away from the sun.