
Modals of obligation

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  • What does he have to do?
    He must / has to tidy up his bedroom.
  • What must he do?
    He must water the plant.
  • What does he have to do?
    He has to / must go inside / wear a raincoat / use an umbrella.
  • What must you not do?
    I must not make a fire.
  • You __________________ eat in the library.
    mustn't / can't
  • You____________________ cross the street now.
    mustn't / can't
  • The teacher says we ___________ use mobile phones in class. It is against the rules.
    mustn't / can't
  • You ___ _______________ eat too much cake, or you'll get fat!
  • You ________________ drive faster than 85 km/h.
    mustn't / can't
  • What does she not have to do?
    She doesn't have to work anymore.
  • What must you not do?
    I mustn't turn right.
  • What does she need to do?
    She needs to buy food.
  • Students _______________ be at school at 9 o'clock.
    must/have to
  • Students ___ arrive to class on time.
    must/have to
  • What do you have to do?
    I have to buy a new computer./ fix my computer.
  • You _____________ to take the lift - you can take the stairs if you want.
    don't have to
  • What should I do?
    I should feed the dog.
  • You _______________ cross the street here
  • Chloe _____ cook tonight because she's going to a restaurant.
    doesn't have to
  • You_________________ stop here.
  • What does she have to do?
    She has to wash the dishes.