
More 1A

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  • Where are you from?
    I'm from ............
  • How old is your best friend?
    He/ She ................
  • What color is Wednesday?
    It's green
  • What's your name? How do you spell it?
    My name is ........... It's ..........
  • What color is it?
    It's pink
  • What day is it?
    It's Monday
  • How old is your sister ( brother/ mother/ father)?
    He/ She is .............
  • What color is it?
    It's brown
  • What's his name? How do you spell it?
    His name is Bean. It's B-E-A-N
  • What's your favorite color?
    I like ...........
  • What is " siêu thị" in English?
    It's supermarket
  • Name 7 days of the week
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
  • What are they?
    They're hotdogs
  • Who's your favorite teacher?
    He/ She is ..........
  • What's "pizza" in Vietnamese?
    It's pizza
  • What's your favorite day of the week?
    I like ............
  • Who's your best friend?
    My best friend is ..............
  • What's your favorite food?
    I like .....................
  • Name 24 alphabet letters
    A ......... Z