
Misunderstood Animals Warm Up

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  • What's a myth?
    A story that is false but people used to believe it.
  • What's the meaning of "to lick"?
    to move the tongue across the surface of something
  • What's something "lethal"?
    Something extremely dangerous or something that can cause death.
  • What's the meaning of "calm"?
    peaceful, quiet, and without worry.
  • What's to "get upset"?
    To get angry or be worried or unhappy about something.
  • What's the meaning of "venom"?
    a poisonous liquid that some snakes, insects, etc. produce.
  • What's the meaning of "to suck"?
    to pull in liquid or air through your mouth without using your teeth.
  • What are fangs?
    Long and sharp teeth.
  • What's "to hurt"?
    To feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain.
  • What's a bite?
    When an insect or snake bites you and it injures you by making a small hole in your skin.