
Relationship Ruler

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  • Jose gets a text from an unknown number asking if he, “did the science homework yet”. Jose responds, “Not yet. Who is this?”. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Allie met a new girl in her class today. She thinks the girl is nice and may sit with her at lunch tomorrow. The girl was a _____________ when they first met but now she is an _____________.
    Stranger, Acquantaince
  • Marques is walking his dog around the neighborhood, when he recognizes some older kids from school hanging out. He smiles and waves as he walks by. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Carter is waiting for his dad to pick him up after school when he notices Gaby’s phone fall out of her backpack as she is walking by him. He picks up her phone and calls out, “Hey, Gaby!”. Gaby thanks him and walks away. Friend or acquainta
  • Kiko is taking notes in class, but keeps getting distracted by Hudson’s pencil tapping. She taps him on the shoulder, points to his pencil, and jokingly motions for him to cut it out hoping he gets the hint. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Katherine is out shopping with her mom and notices a girl from her choir group who is also shopping. She walks over and makes small talk before leaving the store. Friend or acquaintance?
  • This person is someone who you see in the hall, know their name, and say 'hi' to when you see each other. This person is likely a/an...
  • Bree is walking in the hallway at school when she sees Tim from her class accidentally stumble and look up to see if anyone noticed. Bree quickly looks away to avoid making him feel embarrassed. Friend or acquaintance?
  • This person is someone who you talk to every once in awhile and you might hangout with after school in a group setting. This person is likely a/an...
  • Gigi is sitting in the library alone when Christopher notices her and walks over to join her. Gigi asks him how his family reunion was last weekend and if he’s busy again this weekend. Friend or acquaintance?
  • This person is someone who you feel very comfortable with, share personal information, and often hangout after school with. This person is likely a/an...
    Close friend or Best Friend
  • Tara likes to play hide and seek with Julie on the playground at recess. They have been playing every school day this school year. Recently, they have started sitting together at lunch. Julie is a/an _____________.
  • Joey spends the night at Ryan's house most every weekend in the summer. He feels very comfortable with him and shares personal information. This person is a/an...
    Best Friend
  • Mary shares all of her secrets with Anna. Anna keeps all of Mary's secrets and does not tell them to others. Mary and Ann are _____________
    Best Friends
  • This person is someone who you've never met before and you would not give or share any personal information with. This person is likely a/an...
  • Wyatt accidentally spills his drink all over his shirt at lunch. He sees Garrett walk in the cafeteria and waves him over. Wyatt asks him if he has an extra shirt he can borrow since his own shirt is all wet. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Baxter is walking home from school when he sees Kat from his neighborhood also walking home. Baxter starts making small talk with Kat as they walk the rest of the way home together. Friend or acquaintance?
  • Bella gives Cara a big hug when Cara made the soccer team! Cara knew that Bella had worked hard and practiced everyday so she could make the soccer team. They are _________________
    Best Friends
  • Val has been feeling nervous about soccer team tryouts all day. Christine notices that Val has been distracted all of class and asks her, “Is something bothering you? You can talk to me about it if you need”. Friend or acquaintance?