
Getting around

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  • to be going to/ play in the sand/ Kate and Tim
    Kate and Tim are going to play in the sand.
  • Ми збираємося спати у наметі.
    We are going to sleep in a tent.
  • The girls ... (to be going to) pick flowers.
    The girls are going to pick flowers.
  • Ти збираєшся грати у комп'ютерні ігри.
    You are going to play computer games.
  • My parents ... (to be going to) go camping.
    My parents are going to go camping.
  • A song/ a girl/ to be going to/ sing
    A girl is going to sing a song.
  • The dog .... (to be going to) swim in the river.
    The dog is going to swim in the river.
  • Я збираюся займатися віндсьорфінгом.
    I am going to go windsurfing.
  • Діти збираються грати у волейбол.
    Children are going to play volleyball.
  • Ben ..... (to be going to) ride a bike.
    Ben is going to ride a bike.