
Spanish Regular Verb Infinitives and meanings

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  • mirar
    to look at
  • temer
    to fear or to be afraid of
  • leer
    to read
  • enseñar
    to teach
  • cocinar
    to cook
  • desayunar
    to eat breakfast
  • cumplir
    to fulfill or to carry out
  • deber
    to owe
  • discutir
    to discuss
  • imprimir
    to print
  • beber
    to drink
  • romper
    to break
  • prender
    to turn on or to switch on
  • creer
    to believe
  • aprender
    to learn
  • lavar
    to wash
  • describir
    to descibe
  • cometer
    to commit
  • vender
    to sell
  • abrir
    to open
  • comprender
    to understand
  • sorprender
    to surprise
  • llegar
    to arrive
  • combatir
    to fight
  • escuchar
    to listen
  • necesitar
    to need
  • estudiar
    to study
  • viajar
    to travel
  • subir
    to go up
  • comprar
    to buy
  • responder
    to respond
  • esperar
    to wait for
  • asistir
    to attend
  • correr
    to run
  • meter
    to put
  • hablar
    to speak/talk
  • comer
    to eat
  • cubrir
    to cover
  • vivir
    to live
  • compartir
    to share
  • partir
    to split
  • limpiar
    to clean
  • sufrir
    to suffer
  • escribir
    to write
  • borrar
    to erase
  • barrer
    to sweep
  • prometer
    to promise
  • toser
    to cough
  • prometer
    to promise
  • trabajar
    to work
  • ayudar
    to help