

  •   0%
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  • Could I speak to Dr Gonzalez, please?
  • Last year I sold 100 phones a month .Now I only sell five (fewer)
    Now I sell fewer phones
  • Oh, hold on I...
  • Billy? Billy?
  • I spend a lot of time on the phone. My brother doesn't spend a lot of time on the phone(less)
    My brother spends less time on the phone
  • Please leave a message
  • Ben uses his phone a lot. Marie doesn't use her phone very much(less)
    Marie uses his phone less than Ben
  • Can you hear me?
  • I get a lot of voice-mail messages. I don't get a lot of text messges. (fewer)
    I get fewer text messages than voice-mail messages
  • My parents didn't send many e-mails last year. The send a lot of e-mails now (more)
    They send more e-mails now.