
Chapter 4 AP Stats

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  • When members of a sample cannot be contacted or refuse to respond, this is called _________________.
  • Some experiments give a ____________ (fake treatment).
  • True or false? Random selection allows us to make inferences about cause and effect.
  • True or false? Random selection allows us to make inferences about the population.
  • ___________________ happens when some members of the population are left out or cannot be chosen for the sample.
  • True or false? Subjects are randomly placed in blocks.
  • This type of sample gives every possible sample of the same size the same chance of being selected.
    Simple Random Sample
  • The four principles of experimental design are ______, _______, _____, and _____.
    control, random assignment, replication, comparison
  • When the population is broken up into groups and a SRS is chosen from each group, this is called a __________________ sample.
  • When the population is broken up into groups and a SRS of groups is chosen and all of those group members are in the sample, this is called a _____________ sample.
  • In this type of design, experimental units are assigned to treatment groups completely at random.
    Completely randomized design
  • Observational studies that track individuals into the future are called __________.
  • True or False? In a randomized block design, comparisons are made at the end of the experiment that compare one blocks results to other blocks results.
  • Each treatment is a combination of the levels of the __________variables (also called factors).
  • Observational studies that examine existing data are called ______________.
  • In this type of design, experimental units that are similar with respect to a variable that is expected to have an affect on the response are grouped together.
    randomized block design
  • A form of a randomized block design in which similar subjects are paired up into blocks and both treatments are randomly assigned to each person in the pair.
    Matched pair design
  • Sampling methods sometimes lead to _________. This is when they are likely to overestimate or underestimate the value you want to know.
  • In a __________sample, you choose individuals that are easiest to reach.
  • When people lie in their responses, this is called ____________________.
    response bias
  • Experiments impose one or more ______________.
  • __________ occurs when you cannot tell if the results are due to the explanatory variable or another lurking variable.
  • The idea that different random samples of the same size from the same population will produce different results
    Sampling variability
  • A census collects data from everyone in the ___________________.
  • _____________ means that neither the subjects nor those interacting with them know who is receiving each treatment.
  • In an ____________ study, no treatment is administered.