
The World, Africa and it's Cities

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  • Where is the Red Sea located?
    North East of Africa between Africa and Asia
  • What Ocean would you cross to get from Africa to Australia?
    Indian Ocean
  • What is the name of this continent?
  • What is a border?
    A border is a real fence or imaginary line that surrounds land that belongs to a person, country or province
  • What is the capital of Swaziland?
  • What is South Africa's Legislative Capital?
    Cape Town
  • What is the name of the country that is found on the North Western border of South Africa?
  • In what Province will your find South Africa's Judicial capital?
    Free State
  • What is the name of the island that is a country that belongs to Africa?
  • What Continent is coloured Orange in this map?
  • What Ocean is found to the West of Africa?
    Atlantic Ocean
  • What is South Africa's Administrative Capital?
  • What is a landlocked country?
    A country that is surrounded by land - it has no access to the sea.
  • How many countries does the continent of Africa have?
  • What is a capital city?
    A city that usually hold the offices and meeting places of the government.
  • What is the Capital of Kwa Zulu Natal?
  • What is the name of this continent?
  • What Sea is found to the north of Africa?
    Mediterranean Sea
  • What neighbouring country is surrounded by South Africa?
  • In what country would we find the large city of Lagos?
  • What is the name of the largest city in Egypt?
  • What is the capital of Gauteng?
  • What two neighbouring countries to the North of South Africa are landlocked?
    Botswana and Zimbabwe