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  • How do you respond if your boss asks you to do something new today?
    "That is not my job. I want to go home."
    Says yes, but does not complete the job.
    "Sure. I will give it a try."
  • Your co-worker is having a bad day. They are being rude. What do you do?
    Tell your boss that they are being mean
    Give space and speak to them respectfully
    Give attitude back
    Ignore them
  • It is ok to use my phone when working.....T or F Why or why not?
  • Should we lie at work? Yes or No. Why or Why not?
  • How much personal space should I give others at work?
    6 feet
    Arm's Length
  • Texting at work is only appropriate when?
    When you get bored at work
    On break or in an emergency (that you tell your boss about)
    When the boss is not looking
  • Does sleeping at your job, show that you are a professional? Yes or No? Why or Why not?
    No, you should never sleep at work.
  • If you have finished work early and your co-worker needs help, do you help them or leave them to do their own job?
    You help them. Being helpful at work shows that you have a positive attitude and you are good to work with.
  • Name 3 traits that show professional behavior
    Positive attitude, being helpful, staying focused on the job, dressed appropriately
  • If someone is talking to you, do you look them in the eyes? T or F. Why or Why not?
  • I can wear pajamas to work. T or F Why or why not?
  • We should not use hurtful words or swear words at work. T or F. Why or Why not?
    True. We should always use appropriate language at work and be mindful of our words.
  • It is ok to come to work 30 minutes late. T or F. Explain why. 
  • Why should we have a positive attitude at work?
    A positive attitude keeps everyone trying new things, feeling brave about sharing new ideas, and it makes people feel excited to go to work with their co-worker
  • If you make a mistake at work and your boss/co-worker asks you about it, you should?
    Admit your mistake and try not to let it happen again
    Get angry with your boss or co-worker
    Blame someone else for it
  • What clothing do we wear to work/interview. List 3
    Dress shirt, black pants, black belt, black shoes, SOA polo, skirt, slacks, sweater