
Electricity & Magnetism

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  • What can have a positive charge or a negative charge?
  • What are particles?
    Objects have tiny parts that can be exchanged with another object.
  • What is an imaginary line joining the two poles?
    The magnetic axis
  • When an electric current flows through a piece of magnetic metal such as iron, it creates an....
  • When an electric current flows through a coil it..
    Generates a magnetic force
  • What is an object that attracts objects made of iron and other magnetic metals?
    A magnet
  • What is the needle on a compass?
    A magnet
  • What allow electrons to flow through them easily?
  • What happens when there is a force that makes two objects move towards each other?
    They attract each other
  • Particles that have an electrical charge are called....
  • What is the movement of electrically charged particles through a material?
    An electric current
  • What can electric currents produce?
  • What are materials that do not conduct electric current well?
  • Objects that have an electrical charge...
    Attract or repel each other
  • What happens when there is a force that makes objects move apart?
    Electrically charged objects repel each other
  • Magnets can exert....
    magnetic forces
  • When an electric current flows through a conductor it...
    Can heat up
  • The electrons always move in the same direction is called...
    A direct current
  • What are the two magnetic poles?`
    North pole and South Pole
  • What happens when we rub a pen against a wool jumper and then hold the pen near some small pieces of paper?
    The paper will stick to the pen. (the pen becomes electrically charged)
  • The Earth behaves like a....
    giant magnet