
Importance of Water

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  • Name 3 things that we can do to reduce water pollution
    save water, turn off running taps, check for leakage
  • Using washing machine with half load can waste water? True or False
  • Using Water jet saves a lot of water compare to using watering can? True or false
  • Where is 97% of the water on Earth?
    In oceans and seas.
  • Is it true of false that just having one bath uses 80 litres of water?
  • what is the water formula?
  • Only 3% of the water is...
    fresh water!
  • Do you think water is important in our daily life?
  • Which are 3 natural sources of water pollution?
    waste, rubbish, oil spills
  • Cann we drink salty water?
  • Using normal shower waste a lot of water compare to bath showering?
    No, it saves a lot of water consume.