
5th Grade_Geo review

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  • You find government offices, museums, little space, property is expensive, traffic jams and access to transportation.
    Inner city
  • Includes residential areas for people, industrial areas for factories and commercial areas for stores and offices.
    A city
  • Irak and Afghanistan have a lot of forced migration because of....
    War and conflict
  • You find the houses have been redeveloped into apparments and businesses.
    Inner city
  • These are human groups that share linguistic, religious and ethnic elements these differences differ from the vast majority of the population, the state or the place where they live.
    Cultural minorities
  • When lots of people live in an area, they lived crammed.
    Densely populated
  • When people are forced to migrate or move from one place to another.
    Forced migration
  • Is the action of living the place of origin.
  • Natural disasters, poor living conditions, agriculture failure and war are _____ factors to move to urban areas
  • Country from the Caribean sea where it got hit by an earthquake and a hurricane.
  • Ethnic groups from Chihuahua
    Raramuri, Tepehuanes, Pimas, Guarojios
  • You find residential areas with modern housing and local services.
  • How do you calculate the population density?
  • When not many people live in an area and they lave lots of space.
    Sparsely populated
  • The act of separating a human group from the others by treating it worse.
  • The movement of people from one area to another.
  • You find it in the edge of the city. It has farms with animals and orchards.
    Rural-urban fringe
  • A group of people who share cultural traits, language, religion, celebration of certain festivities, music, clothing
    Ethnic group
  • The number of live births per thousand of population per year.
    Birth rate
  • With industrialization people started to move from these places.
    Rural settlements
  • This cultural minority inhabits in Chihuahua, they arrived 100 years ago to our territory.
  • Is the action of reaching the destination.
  • The number of people in each age group and how they are divided by gender in an area.
    Population structure
  • What's the biggest age group in Mexico?
    From 15 to 19
  • Tarahumara, Tepehuanes, Guarojios, Pimas
    Chihuahua's ethnic groups
  • The ratio of deaths to the population of a particular area calculated as the number of deaths per one thousand people per year
    Death rate
  • Population density refers to the number of people living in a given area, usually 1 sq kilometer.
    Population density
  • Higher wages, health care and education, jobs, better living conditions are ____ factors to move to urban areas.
  • In this country there are more than 11 million Mexicans living there.
    United States
  • Number of ethnic groups that inhabit in Mexico
    68 groups
  • Another way to call the Tarahumaras people
  • When people choose to migrate from one place to another.
    Voluntary migration