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  • Trash:  Someting worth little or nothing such as.
    Noun . - A computer programn that trashes useless files.
  • Bad citizen:    unfavorable character or tendency.
    Adjetive.      Charles is a bad citizen
  • Dishes: All the things that are used to prepare serve or eat a meal.
    Noun.  The restaurant serves some of my favorite dishes..
  • Drop Litter: To throw garbage.
    Verb. It is forbidden to drop litter ouuside the site.
  • Work Together:   perform or work as a group or a team.
    Verb.  The boys work together.
  • Prohibition:  The act of prohibiting by authority.
    Noun.   Smoking is prohibited in the restaurant.
  • BREAK: To separate into parts whith suddeneess or violence.
    VERB. He brake a pencil when he is fourious.
  • Rules: a prescribed for conduct or action
    plural noun. I understand the basic rules of chess.
  • Obey: To folow the commands or guidance.
    Verb. He always obeys his parents.
  • Fine: A sum imposed as punishment for an offense,
    Noun. The bus driver was fined for going through the red light,
  • good citizen:        Of a favorable character or tendency
    Adjetive.    John is a good citizen
  • Crosswalk: A specially paved or marked path for pedestrians,
    Noun. School children go through the crosswalk.
  • Ban: To prohibited the use perfomance or distribution of,
    Verb. The drug was banned a decade ago.
  • Work alone: Perform or work a task individually.
    Verb.  Laura Works alone in the office.
  • Illegal not acording to or authorized by law.
    Adjetive.         It is Illegal not use a  face mask among people.
  • LAWS: a binding custom or preactice of a community.
    NOUN. The courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the laws.
  • Disobey:    To be disobedient.
    Verb.  The driver wishes to obey the law.
  • Follow the rules: abide by the rules
    Verb.    She follows the rules in class.
  • Unkind: Lacking in kindness or sympathy.
    Adjetive.  It was unkind of you not to invite her.
  • Legal:     Of or relating to law.
    Adjetive.      The lawyer is legal in his work.