
Present Perfect vs Past Simple

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  • I ________ (not/have) enough sleep for a long time! I don't feel energetic these days.
    haven't had / have not had
  • My friends have never been to a sports camp before, ______? (question tag)
    have they
  • I went to my friend's house last night. They __________ (cook) a very healthy meal.
  • ______ you ever ______(ride) a horse to keep fit and feel well?
    Have / ridden
  • Dad slept well last night, _____? (question tag)
    didn't he
  • When ____ you _____(buy) this tennis racket?
    did / buy
  • Ouch! I _______(hurt) my knee. It is bleeding!
    have hurt
  • ______ you ______ (open) the window yet? We need some fresh air.
    Have / opened
  • How long _____ you ______ (know) your yoga instructor?
    have / known
  • How long _____ you done CrossFit to keep fit?
  • Some Brazilian brothers _____ (develop) Jiu-Jitsu in 1920.
  • You have played volleyball for a long time, _______? (question tag)
    haven't you
  • Selin is not here. She ______(go) running.
    has gone
  • My friend _____ (hurt) his shoulder while he was swimming.
  • ______ you ______ (find) any new hobbies you can take up yesterday?
    Did / find
  • Eliz _____(not/be) very well last week. So she ______ (not/come) to school since Monday.
    wasn't / hasn't come
  • Even though Can came home very late last night, first he ______ (brush) his teeth and then went to bed.
  • My parents ____ (be) to sports camps many times.
    have been
  • My sister ____ (get) married when she was very young. She _____ (be) married for 20 years.
    got / has been
  • Vex King _____ (write) a book on wellbeing in 2018.
  • I _____ (work) at my uncle's shop when I was younger. I felt very happy there.
  • My grandparents _____ (travel) the world 10 years ago. They ______ (not/travel) anywhere since then.
    traveled / haven't traveled
  • I ___________ (already/work out). Therefore, I feel very energetic now!
    have already worked out
  • My great grandma ______ (live) a very happy life before she died.
  • Your car looks very clean. ____ you ______(wash) it?
    Have / washed