
Pop 1-3 Flash Cards Units 1 part 2

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  • What are these animals?
    These are parrots.
  • What colour is the cat?
    The cat is grey and white.
  • How many paws has the dog got?
    The dog has got four (4) paws.
  • What colour is the ball?
    It is violet/purple.
  • What is the cat doing?
    The cat is jumping.
  • Has the dog got feet, or paws?
    The dog has got paws. The dog hasn't got feet.
  • What colour is the dog?
    It is orange/brown and white.
  • How many paws has the cat got?
    The cat has got four (4) paws.
  • What colour is the train?
    It is orange, light green and dark green.
  • Has the cat got moustache, or whiskers?
    The cat has got whiskers. The cat hasn't got moustache.
  • Has the frog got a tail?
    No, the frog hasn't got a tail.
  • What colour is the kite?
    The kite is purple/violet, yellow and orange.
  • What is this?
    It is a car.
  • What is this?
    It's a train.
  • What is this?
    This is a teddy bear.
  • What is it?
    It is a ball.
  • What colour is the teddy bear?
    It is light brown and dark brown.
  • Has the dog got a tail?
    Yes, it has got a tail.
  • What colours is the car?
    It is yellow, light blue and dark blue.
  • What animal is that?
    It is a dog.
  • What is this animal?
    This is a frog.
  • What animal is that?
    That is a cat.
  • Has the cat got a tail?
    Yes, the cat has got a tail.
  • What is that?
    It's a kite.