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  • Have humans ever been to the moon?
    Yes, they have.
  • The first person to go to space was Yuri Gagarin. Where was he from?
    He was from Russia.
  • Which is the hottest planet?
    The hottest planet is Venus with an average temperature of 460°C.
  • Have humans ever been to Mars?
    No, they haven't
  • Which is further from the Sun, Venus or Uranus?
    Uranus is further from the Sun.
  • Which is smaller, the moon or Saturn?
    The moon is smaller than Saturn.
  • When did the first person land on the moon?
    In 1969.
  • Has anyone ever seen Venus from Earth?
    Yes, they have.
  • Has a robot ever been to Mars?
    Yes, it has.
  • Which is the coldest planet?
    The coldest planet is Uranus with an average temperature -220°C.
  • Which is nearer to the Sun, Saturn or Mercury?
    Mercury is nearer to the Sun.
  • Which is bigger, Jupiter or Mercury?
    Jupiter is bigger than Mercury.