
Relationships Quiz

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  • What it illegal for woman to go on dates in the early 1900's? True or false?
    True - woman could get arrested for being bought dinner
  • What Colour is most often associated with "LOVE"
  • You can avoid getting pregnant by having sex standing up. True or false?
    False - you can only avoid getting pregnant by using contraceptives
  • Are there more male doctors or female? (GP)
    Male 60% female 40%
  • The average person has 7 friends and 20 acquaintances. True or false?
  • What Percentage of marriage ends in divorce? 12% - 75% or 42%
    42% of marriage ends in divorce in the UK
  • Name one thing a woman might have on her wedding day? Something borrowed, something new....
    something old....something blue
  • What does this flag represent?
    Pride - For all of the LGBTQ+ community
  • How long on average do romantic relationships last? 2yrs - 4yrs or 8yrs
    2 yrs and 8months
  • What are butterflies in your tummy? (when you get scared or anxious this chemical is released into your body)
    Adrenalin caused that feeling of butterflies in your tummy
  • What percent of people have used apps like Tinder to boost their self confidence? 45% - 50% - 55%
  • A study shows that a couples that share chores are more content and happy in their relationship. True or false?
  • Could being drunk feel the same as falling in love? True or false?
    True - adrenaline and dopamine and oxytocin are chemicals in your brains that are released so you can feel like your drunk and happy
  • The worlds longest marriage lasted how long? 50years - 65 years or 86 years?
  • How many people identify as gay in the UK...
    1.4 million
  • Can you be attracted to someone because of their smell? True or false?
    True - we release something called pheromones which is in our sweat and our smell and we can be attracted to someone because of it
  • What animal is commonly called "Mans best friend"?
  • What does " A Platonic Relationship" mean?
    When you share a close bond with someone that is not sexual
  • 40% of people in the world masturbate - true or false?
    False - the actual number is 78%
  • What animal holding a fig branch is a symbol of peace? Pidgeon - Dove - Crow
  • When were woman allowed to vote in the UK? 1930 - 1918 - 1925?
    1918 - before then woman where not allowed to vote and it was only white woman that could at 1918
  • What is this small fat baby called - and what does it mean?
    Cherub/Cubid - It's a symbol of love and romance
  • It is legal to share intimate photos of your partner with your friends if they send it to you? True or false?
    False. it is illegal to share intimate photos of anyone without their express consent (revenge porn law)
  • Name 2 types of relationships you can have
    romantic, platonic, professional, social, with yourself
  • People used to put adverts in the newspaper to find love. True or false?