
Soil Salinity

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  • Severe salinity of the soil can be reversed. T or F
  • How many types of soil salinity are there?
  • How can irrigation salinity be avoided?
    Only use the amount of water that crops require and no more.
  • What is the type of salinity that results from over irrigation?
  • What is the main crop associated with salinity in WA?
  • Give one cause of urban salinity.
    overwatering green areas, leaking pipes and tanks, urban development ie more concrete which pools water in some areas
  • Why do farmers need to clear the land in the first place?
    To plant crops or pasture for grazing
  • What is the type of salinity found in city areas?
    urban salinity
  • Why are native deep rooted trees a good way to prevent salinity?
    They keep the water table low in the ground and the salt stays deep in the soil.
  • If the salinity causes the vegetation to die what happens to the soil
    it erodes away and becomes unproductive
  • What area of Australia is MOSt effected by soil salinity
  • Which is the type of salinity that we looked at in detail?
  • What is the type of salinity that results from trees being cleared?