
S2 - Life in a fiefdom

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  • Harvesting season
    Harvest the cereal crops. Peasants and serfs prepare for reaping.
  • A peasant hunts and kills a deer in the lord's forest
    The lord is angry and punishes the peasant
  • An injust lord
    The lord decides to increase taxes, making it difficult for his peasants to survive.
  • A royal official visits
    He has come to collect taxes but the lord does not intend to pay him
  • The pope organises another crusade
    The pope wants to recapture the holy sepulchre in Jerusalem. The inhabitants of the fiefdom enthusiastically support the cause
  • Feudal war
    War breaks out betweem two lords over who a bordering forest belongs to. They summon their vassals and serfs
  • A serf escapes the fiefdom
    he goes in search of a better life and takes refuge in the village of a neighbouring county. The lord decides to pursue him.
  • Viking attack
    A group of vikings arrives in the country intending to sack its riches. The lord summons his private army.
  • Conversations during the feast
    Lords and knights converse during a banquet in the castle. Servants talk around the fire
  • A group of travellers arrive at the fiefdom
    There is a minstrel, an acrobat and a trader. They visit the village and castle
  • The lord's vassal
    The lord appoints a baron to govern a fief he has just obtained
  • A knight falls in love with the count's daughter
    Yet their relationship is impossible because she is engaged to a marquis
  • An impassioned monk appears
    The monk claims the world is ending and criticises the privileged estates for being sinners, including the chaplain of the castle. The peasants admire him.
  • New knight
    A squire finishes his training and is chosen as a new knight