
Getting Started

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  • What sort of pet does Miss Anso have?
    A cat
  • What are some things that you need to remember when you use a device?
    Keep on topic, never leave it on the ground (even for a second), be gentle, only during class time, the teacher should be able to see the screen at all times
  • What do you need to do when Miss Anso claps her hands?
    Clap back, stop talking, put down what is in your hands, cross your arms.
  • What do you need to do every time you go in or out of the classroom?
    Santise your hands.
  • How should you treat everyone in our class?
    Be kind and be polite.
  • What is one sensible choice you could make if you finish your work early?
    Reading, writing, finishing other work, helping someone . . .
  • When is it okay to interrupt Miss Anso?
    If you are about to vomit, if the building is on fire, or if you have brought her a coffee.
  • What should you do if you need to go to the toilet during class time?
    Make the T sign.
  • What should you do when the bell goes?
    Tidy up what you are doing and come to the mat quickly and quietly.
  • Where do cellphones need to be during the day?
    In the Pooh bear box, locked in the cupboard.
  • What is Miss Anso's favourite drink?
    Coffee (with no milk and no sugar)
  • What are three things you should do when you arrive at school?
    The answer is in the 'What we do in Room 10' book.
  • Name the four Harakeke teachers.
    Nice job!
  • What are two things you should remember when you write in your book?
    Write tidily, no drawing, miss lines, cross out mistakes with one neat line . . .
  • What areas can Harakeke students play in during morning tea and lunch time?
    On the top court, the senior playground, the blue slide and half of the bottom field.
  • What is the name of our new principal?
    Nice job!
  • What do you need to do when you are eating morning tea and lunch and while you are waiting for the lunch bell?
    Sit with our class.