
Must/mustn't/have to/don't have to

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  • the past of "don't have to"
    didn't have to
  • CORRECT THE MISTAKE: "The skatepark is free = we haven't to pay anything."
    We DON'T HAVE TO pay anything.
  • the past of "have to"
    had to
  • CORRECT THE MISTAKE: "We mustn't bring food to the party - Jake's mum is making everything."
    We DON'T HAVE TO bring food to the party.
  • At our school we __________ wear a uniform. (not necessary)
    don't have to
  • CORRECT THE MISTAKE: "You must to bring your pencil case to the next lesson."
    You MUST BRING your pencil case to the next lesson.
  • You __________ cross the roads without looking. It’s dangerous.
  • At a restaurant you _________ pay the bill but you __________ eat everything.
    have to/must ------ don't have to
  • Doctors sometimes ________ to work at the weekend.
  • CORRECT THE MISTAKE: Dad says I mustn't help him on Saturday, so I can come to your house.
    Dad says I DON'T HAVE TO help him...
  • CORRECT THE MISTAKE: When I was younger, I must visit my grandparents often.
    I HAD TO visit my grandparents....